CryptoCurrency10 is the web portal belonging to the OPM Corporation network, specializing in the cryptocurrency world. On the platform, the internauts have free access to the most up to date, very informational, content on cryptocurrencies, like analyses made by experts recognized in this area. In addition, you can follow real-time quotations of the 10 currently most used cryptocurrencies, as well as locally buy and sell Bitcoin, Ethereum and Tether.
The visitor of the CryptoCurrency10 portal homepage can view a series of explanatory videos, designed for the users just beginning in the cryptocurrency world. The videos deal with various subjects dealing with the impact of cryptocurrencies on the real estate market, the ways of investing in gold and paying with cryptocurrencies and the easiest ways to privately buy and sell Bitcoin, Ethereum and Tether.
The internauts find the most important sections in the upper part of the CryptoCurrency10 site. For example, those who have doubts about any subject connected to cryptocurrencies can have a Consultation with one of the platform’s experts, at the price of 30 Euros for 10 minutes. The consultant can help the person with information; he can also contribute in resolving problems, identifying business opportunities and recommending investments.
Are Meanwhile, those who want to invest with cryptocurrencies, will find a series of up to date analyses in this section of the site that will allow them to identify potential businesses, making this one of the most useful sections of the site.
The CryptoCurrency10 Weekly Report is a weekly report that can be purchased for 4,12 or 24 months. The report contains analyses of several cryptocurrencies with high earning prospects at medium and long term and a crypto portfolio suggested by the CryptoCurrency10 staff.
However, since the cryptocurrency scene is subject to a lot of confusion, the web portal offers a glossary of the most common terms and their meaning. This way, the glossary becomes an indispensable consultation tool.
The blog Cryptocurrencies is the space where the most important news connected to the cryptocurrencies are periodically published. The experts who work on the platform take care of tracking down the most important content and then publish them in the blog so that the internaut finds — completely free and in a single site — what is currently going on with the cryptocurrencies.
In order to make surfing simpler, the contents of the blog are distributed into various subsections: the tendencies of Bitcoin, Tether and Ethereum, buying and selling cryptocurrencies, exchange rates, the ICO, cryptocurrency mining and electronic wallets.
Another of the options available on CryptoCurrency10 is mailing press releases. Any project connected to cryptocurrencies that wishes to appear on the site just has to fill in a form, upload the article — which can contain an active link — and any images and make the payment. For 99 dollars per year, said article will be published on CryptoCurrency10 in the three languages and will be promoted in a YouTube video.
CryptoCurrency10 is available in three languages (English, Spanish and Italian). The platform has accounts on the social networks Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.